Sewage, wastewater and rainwater
7 x double units TP 30 / HCON
2 x double units VX 1345-46 ET 54 EX / HSK
3 x double units MXS 2332- 52 ET 74/PU 92 EX
4 x PE 40/80 MX 2444 /46 / HSK
10 x Sanistar / Sanistar Plus
2 x San.iQ Plus
Drainage domestic waste water disposal
FUNKE MEDIENGRUPPE build the corporate headquarters at their corporate home base in Essen, Germany. The project has a gross floor area of 37,000 sq. m. A longitudinal volume provides the backbone of the urban development site. Three annexes extending from it point like fingers to the outdoor spaces of the adjacent residential estates. The endpoint of the urban design ensemble is the Funke Media Tower
The complete pump technology in the building works with HOMA pumps and lifting units. In cooperation with DL-Anlagentechnik, these were installed and connected. One challenge was that the next channel could not be used. The wastewater transport now runs over another route to the suitable sewer.