HOMA - about us

Local roots. Worldwide activities.

From craft workshop to global player

For three generations, the culture of HOMA as a family company has been grounded in clear goals and structures. The success story of HOMA Pumpenfabrik GmbH commenced over 70 years ago: in 1946, Hans Hoffmann sen. initially set up a craft workshop for repairing electric motors employing an manageable number of workers. Based on his knowledge of electric motors, the senior manager, Hans Hoffmann made the decision, which still marks the company today: specialisation on the development and production of submersible motor pumps.

By dint of much personal commitment, innovations and a consistent focus on the expectations of our customers, we have now grown into a medium-sized industrial company, acting on a worldwide basis. Globally, there are over 60 subsidiaries and agencies that sell our pumps and installations. These units are mainly used for water disposal from buildings, the dewatering of construction sites and removal of surface water, as well as for community and industrial water disposal and treatment.

Driven by our passion for quality, the resolute improvements to our products and services and our attitude of partnership with customers, suppliers and employees, we believe that we are well-equipped to meet the challenges of the future, and are striving to achieve a healthy rate of growth.

Building to serve you better

At the moment our new production hall is being extended from the inside. In addition to electrical installations, floors and light, a new office level is also being created. We will keep you up to date with live pictures of our large construction site and drone videos.

Countdown construction site

Pictures and drone videos



HOMA Pumpenfabrik is successfully led into the third generation: Hans Hoffmann

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Where there's water, there's HOMA

Why we are different


The world we live in is becoming increasingly dynamic. Technical cycles are getting ever shorter, our lifestyle and requirements are constantly changing and bringing new challenges. Keeping up with them needs innovative solutions, creating value for all the stakeholders. Our mission statement forms the framework for a successful future. in the following paragraphs, we will define the values for which we stand and the road we wish to take to make a successful impact -  present and future.


At the heart of all our activities lies the fact that we develop our products ourselves. Every production step and every component for manufacture is completed with a high degree of care and commitment. The passion of our workers, a demanding choice of suppliers, closely-targeted material testing and our regular production test cycles stand guarantee for the highest standards. None of our products is put into series production until our highest quality demands have been fulfilled.


At HOMA, the focus is always on  people, who represent the foundation for our activities. Courage, curiosity, respect, performance, responsibility, integrity and transparency. As a family company, we regard ourselves as being bound, first and foremost, by these particular values, and we further them through our open approach to work. We believe that the only way to achieve our common goals is through partnership with customers, suppliers and employees.


Our products and system solutions play a significant role in the environmentally-friendly circulation of water, particularly in the disposal and treatment of waste water. Water is Earth's most precious resource. We employ outstanding engineers, who are involved on a daily basis in developing and improving our innovative products, in order to fulfil our desire to develop products for our customers that are increasingly energy-efficient, offering an  economic use of resources. 

Energy policy

As manufacturers of submersible pumps, we belong to an industry with intensive energy requirements. This is why advances in energy performance and obtaining energy under competitive conditions form a central pillar to our economic success. Furthermore, as a company, we are well aware of our ecological responsibility and consider ourselves to be bound by the principles of sustainable activities.

The way ahead

We advise on, plan and install pump technology - for major international projects, as well as for regional pumping installations, and bear a high degree of responsibility toward our customers, our employees and the environment. We make high demands on ourselves. This is the only way in which we can continuously deliver top performance and work for the highest degree of  customer satisfaction to reach our common goals. And we guarantee that it will remain so in future.

Mission statement, model, strategy

Read detailed information here:

Our mission statement, our model, our strategy

Year of foundation
Distributors worldwide in
100 countries
German sales offices

The HOMA success story

75 years of good experience speak for themselves.

How it all began: In 1946 founder Hans Hoffmann, aged 24 years, graduated as master craftsman in electrical engineering. He founded a repair shop for electric motors in a small former stable building in Kotthausen. From the combination of the surname HOffmann with the term MAchine-engineering the company name arises HOMA.

Relive our fascinating history

Our sales locations

Supporting you locally. Throughout the world.

HOMA de-watering and sewage handling technology is represented in over 60 countries throughout the world. Our sales network has been built up over decades to ensure close links with the customer. These agencies represent an important link to the users of our products. They guarantee competent advice for our customers - any time, any place.



The HOMA Academy offers an extensive program of seminars and training courses for customers and other interested specialists.

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HOMA Quality in service throughout the world

Our References

Optimum networking

Co-operations and Certificates

Building up networks, creating synergies and co-operating successfully. HOMA puts its faith in carefully selected co-operations with powerful partners for the purpose of jointly achieving greater Quality.

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