125 Years VDMA: Without water, everything is nothing

External News

We only need water for drinking, cooking and washing, right? Not even close!

Invisible water

In the morning, the alarm goes off. We get up, get a shower, brush our teeth and make coffee. We need water for all of these activities. Drinking water. Each German consumes around 122 liters per day in his/her household – in a global comparison, Germany is slightly below the average. Even when the tap is turned off, the “virtual water meter” continues to run.

Virtual consumption

Almost everything we use in our daily life requires water in its manufacturing process – the shower curtain, towels, clothes, toothbrushes, mobile phones. Even the food we eat cannot be produced without water. Including this “virtual water”, the per capita consumption in Germany is around 3,900 liters – every day. This corresponds to 30 bathtubs full of water which are invisible in our daily lives – in espresso, jeans, food, computers, cars and much more.

Here you can find out more about the many facets of the topic of water – from water supply to extraction, treatment, distribution and use all the way to the treatment of wastewater. Are you curious? Then read on …

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